If you are in the business of giving away gold, you won’t give a way one single nugget if no one knows what you are doing.
There are many ways to get the word out about your business, and one very effective method, is to utilize LOCAL SEO.
It shocks me every time that I learn about a Small Business Owner (SBO) who spends several hours and several weeks to build a website on their own, all in an effort to save money, which is great, but then makes little effort, if any, to optimize the website for LOCAL SEO.
LOCAL SEO, if deployed properly, is precisely like laying down a track of sugar that can lead millions of ants directly to your front door.
Of course, you don’t want to attract ants all over the inside of your store, NO!
What you do want is to attract ‘potential customers’, which then presents the opportunity for you to dazzle them and convert them into paying customers of your products and services.
LOCAL SEO accomplishes this mission, but just like everything else we talk about here… you gotta do it right.
In such a competitive market today, it is absolutely imperative that you create a stupendous online presence, but not to simply ‘get found’ by just anyone online, but the goal here should be to target and attract and engage your ideal customer.
By focusing on LOCAL SEO, you give your business a competitive edge in your specific LOCAL market.
When you deploy LOCAL SEO on your website, your blog, your social media, you are feeding the search engines what they need to do their job.
The search engines ‘job’ is to feed the user (your potential customer) the relevant information that they are searching for in the most targeted way.
When YOU, as the SBO, optimize your online presence with LOCAL SEO Strategy, it makes it easier for the search engines to do their ‘job’, which is to present your solution (Your Content=Product or Service) to the user (Your Potential Customer).
It’s a beautiful thing.
So How Do You Optimize Your Online Presence With LOCAL SEO?
I’m glad you asked.
Here are some tips to get you started…
- Localize Content Creation: When developing online content for your business make sure that it ‘speaks’ to your LOCAL AUDIENCE in their LOCAL language and put out what makes sense to YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY
- Manage Online Reviews: When people write a review about your business, they are indirectly building a reputation for your business, so it is imperative that you, as the SBO, engage and respond in a way that is going to celebrate fans, and also, to resolve problems and complaints, with the intent to convert unhappy customers into happy fans
- Optimize Every Single Piece of Content: Utilize specific LOCAL SEO keywords, geo-tags, meta descriptions on your website pages, blog posts, headers, videos, images, reels, Optimize Every Single Piece of Content with LOCAL SEO
- Search for LOCAL Back-Link Partners: LOCAL Business is all about building LOCAL relationships, and LOCAL SEO plays a huge part in this development. Seek out Reputable and Respected LOCAL Businesses and develop a relationship BEFORE requesting an exchange of back-links to further establish your business as a Local Leader.
You have got to get out there and put these tremendous tips to work for your business.
This is by NO MEANS an All Inclusive List of Tips, but it’s a heck of a way to start.
By putting these tips to work for your LOCAL business you can improve your LOCAL Presence to the Local Community and begin to establish your business as a LOCAL Leader and cultivate what could become LOCAL LIFELONG LOYAL Customers.
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